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This is a Call for Help

Food - animal-based foods (meat, milk, eggs) can be replaced by a plant-based diet. It is delicious and very nutritious.


Cosmetics - usually tested on animals. Untested products are offered

in large stores.


Pets and exotic animals -

 are waiting for your help

in shelters or asylum farms.


S.oucit O.hleduplnost S.ounáležitost

Compassion, Care, and Belonging

are our basic principles of the relationship

between humans and other animals on Earth.

There`re few areas where where people cause
enormous amount of violence, pain and oppression. Your decision not to participate in that has a fundamental impact on the lives of other beings.

Thank you for thinking about it.


Сlothing it`s often made

of leather or fur.

But there`s synthetic alternatives.


Fishing - is very cruel and

painful for fish. So is hunting 

for the wild animals.


Entertainment - horse racing, zoos, aquariums, circuses - are places where animals are kept against their nature.


Violence - animals are very sensitive

to pain.

Ukrutnosti, které na nich pácháme, bychom neměli zlehčovat, natož ignorovat. Oběťmi jsou zvířata. Jsou to slepice, krávy, vepři a ryby,
které zabíjíme a pojídáme. Jsou to norci, činčily a lišky, které stahujeme a jejichž kůže nosíme. Jsou to králíci, fretky, křečci a myši,
jimž vstřikujeme do očí jedy, abychom na nich testovali kosmetiku. Jsou to holubi, veverky a srnky, které střílíme a zabíjíme šípy.
Obětováni nejsou lidé, ale v mnoha ohledech, na kterých nejvíce záleží, jsme oběťmi vlastně i my.
Matthew Scully

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